For the love of determination

Impossible is nothing – Adidas

The Paralympians of 2012 have certainly proven this quote correct. I have found myself watching athletes with missing limbs break world records, athletes swimming and running but unable to see at all, athletes lifting weights that weigh more than themselves, athletes leaving me in complete awe. The Paralympic Games of 2012 have been nothing short of inspirational and amazing and the individuals who have participated in them have certainly proven that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.

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For the love of o.m.g facts

Some random, but interesting facts…


1. The #1 most shoplifted book of all time is THE BIBLE.


2. Women speak about 7000 words a day. The average man averages just over 2000.


3. Facebook is blue because the founder Mark Zuckerberg is red-green colour blind.


4. The creators of Adidas and Puma are brothers.


5. A Rubik’s Cube has 43,252,003,274, 489,856, 000  possible configurations.


6. The longest human beard recorded measured 17.5 feet long.


7. Bulls are colour blind. The colour red DOES NOT make them go crazy.


8. Albert Einstein left his first wife for his COUSIN.


9. When you kiss someone for a minute, you both burn 26 calories.


10. On the 10-piece chicken McNuggets box for McDonalds, there is a picture of 11 McNuggets.


11. Being right-handed can PROLONG your life. If you’re right- handed, you could live up to nine years longer than a left-handed person.


12. The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.


13. When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red.


14. The pupil of the eye expands as much as 45 percent when a person looks at something pleasing.


15. The average person who stops smoking requires one hour less sleep a night.


16. When the moon is directly overhead, you weigh less.


17. Our eyes are the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.

18. A snail can sleep for three years.


19. Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair.


20. Chewing gum whilst peeling onions will keep you from crying.


o.m.g facts source: or @OMGFacts on Twitter and

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