For the love of all the small things

Thus far, this year has encompassed copious amounts of stress and deadlines of which lead to me becoming so consumed with myself and what I needed to accomplish that I had started to forget about every other important thing in my life. I realised that I had started to overlook everything that once made me so happy. However, as I look back over the past three months and the journey that blogging has taken me on, I realise just how much my perspectives of life have now changed, and how grateful I have become for everything that I have in my life and everything that I experience. Blogging has essentially lead towards me realising the importance of appreciating the small, seemingly unimportant things in life because it is them that keep us going.

I look back now and remember how intimidated I was about stepping into the unknown and stepping out of my comfort zone, but I now realise the importance of taking risks and the opportunities and excitement that they bring. I’ve realised how much I actually take for granted just by witnessing the happiness exuded from homeless individuals and the joy that receiving a full black bag of clothing can bring, the happiness that frolicking in the snow can bring, the realisation that a little bit of determination can go a long way and the inspiration and drive that I felt after watching the Paralympic Games. I guess what I’m trying to say is, sometimes it’s all the little things that seem to shape us into who we become, and have such a big impact on our typical, everyday lives. The point of this blog was to help serve as a reminder of this, and remind people to appreciate all the small things in life, and in turn, I gained the humility, sincerity, understanding and passion that I was lacking.

I’ve come to understand that remaining true to who you are is equally important as achieving goals, as well as the fact that remaining humble in the process can truly go a long way. Although this year lead to me becoming more goal-orientated rather than sincere, humble and appreciative of the small things in life, the challenges that this year presented have lead to the changes that needed to be made in my life, and the understanding of how to go about making them. Funny how life works sometimes…

Nonetheless, I hope that my journey of highlighting the small things in life has left an impact on you and helped towards the realisation of the impact that they have in moulding us to become who we are.

Take what you need from this journey.

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